754 South 200 West, Blanding Utah 84511
e-mail: dinos@dinosaur-museum.org

Museum Sculpture Gallery

The museum is open for the 2024 season
Hours are: 9 to 5 Monday thru Saturday, and closed on Sunday

Carnotaurus sastrei

The name of this dinosaur was based on the two bull like horns on the head of this carnivorous theropod (meat-eating bull).

The first restoration of a newly discovered dinosaur, Carnotaurus, was done in 1986 as a 1/10 scale model by sculptor Stephen Czerkas in preparation for the creation of a life-size sculpture. The Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County commission the life-size sculpture and a mounted skeleton of the Carnotaurus.

Dr. Jose Bonaparte, Argentina's leading paleontologist, invited the Czerkas's to the fossil site in Patagonia to collect additional skin impressions after the skeleton had been previously excavated. Much of the right side of the animal was preserved with its skin impressions. Raised protuberances in the skin were found over a good deal of the animal's body.

The Carnotaurus skeleton was molded, cast, and mounted by Stephen and Sylvia Czerkas for the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County.

The life-size sculpture of Carnotaurus was installed in 1993 at the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County and is shown with its sculptors Stephen and Sylvia Czerkas.

The museum is now offering casts of the 1/10 scale model for sale from a limited edition of 25 bronze sculptures. Inquires for purchase can be directed to the museum at dinos@dinosaur-museum.org